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[보조지표] 볼린저 밴드와 CCI를 같이보는 방법

by xHi 2023. 3. 11.

볼린저 밴드와 CCI는 모두 주가의 상승/하락 가능성과 매수/매도 신호를 파악하는 데 사용되는 대표적인 보조 지표입니다. 볼린저 밴드는 주가의 이동평균선 위아래에 상한선과 하한선을 설정하여 주가의 상승/하락 가능성을 파악하는 지표이고, CCI는 주가의 상승
과 하락 모두에서 변동성과 추세를 나타내는 지표입니다. 이 두 지표를 함께 사용하면 보다 정확한 매수/매도 타이밍을 파악할 수 있습니다.

볼린저 밴드와 CCI를 함께 보는 방법은 다음과 같습니다.
1. 볼린저 밴드 하단선을 돌파하면서 CCI가 -100 이하로 내려갈 때 매수 신호로 판단합니다. 이는 주가가 저점에 다다르고 하락 가능성이 낮아졌다는 것을 나타냅니다.
2. 볼린저 밴드 상단선을 돌파하면서 CCI가 100을 넘어갈 때 매도 신호로 판단합니다. 이는 주가가 고점에 다다르고 상승 가능성이 낮아졌다는 것을 나타냅니다.
3. 볼린저 밴드와 CCI 지표가 서로 상충하는 경우에는 추가적인 분석이 필요합니다. 예를 들어, 주가가 볼린저 밴드 상단선을 돌파하면서 CCI가 강세를 나타내면 상승 가능성이 높아질 수 있습니다. 그러나 CCI가 약세를 나타내면 상승세가 끝나고 하락세로 전환될 가능성이 높아집니다.
4. 볼린저 밴드와 CCI 모두를 사용하여 추세를 파악하는 것도 가능합니다. 예를 들어, 주가가 상승세를 보이면서 볼린저 밴드 상단선을 돌파하면서 CCI가 강세를 나타내면 상승 가능성이 높다고 판단할 수 있습니다.

위와 같은 방법으로 볼린저 밴드와 CCI를 함께 사용하여 매수/매도 타이밍을 예측할 수 있습니다. 하지만 이 또한 단순한 예시일 뿐, 실제 시장에서는 추가적인 분석과 함께 종합적으로 판단해야 합니다.



Both Bollinger Bands and CCI are popular technical indicators used to identify the upside/downside potential of a stock price and buy/sell signals. Bollinger bands identify the upside and downside potential of a stock by placing upper and lower bands above and below the stock's moving average, while CCI indicates the volatility and trend of a stock, both up and down.
The CCI is an indicator of volatility and trend on both the upside and downside of a stock price. When used together, these two indicators can help you identify more accurate buy/sell timing.

Here's how to view Bollinger Bands and CCI together.
1. Look for a buy signal when the CCI goes below -100 while breaking the bottom line of the Bollinger Bands. This indicates that the stock price has reached a low and is less likely to fall.
2. A sell signal occurs when the CCI crosses above 100 while breaking the upper line of the Bollinger Bands. This indicates that the stock is nearing a top and is less likely to move higher.
3. If the Bollinger Bands and CCI indicators contradict each other, further analysis is required. For example, if the CCI is bullish as the stock price breaks above the upper line of the Bollinger Bands, the upside potential is high. However, if the CCI is bearish, the uptrend is over and a downtrend is likely.
4. It is also possible to use both Bollinger Bands and CCI to identify trends. For example, if a stock is rising, breaking above the upper line of the Bollinger Bands, and the CCI is bullish, you can determine that an uptrend is likely.

In the same way, you can use Bollinger Bands and CCI together to predict when to buy or sell. However, this is just a simple example, and in the real market, it should be used in combination with additional analysis.


